Engerwitzdorf time, Austria
Current time in Engerwitzdorf is :
Time zone of Engerwitzdorf
Currently Europe/Vienna, UTC +1.
Sunrise and sunset for Engerwitzdorf
- Sunrise : 06:19 CET
- Sunset : 18:04 CET
- Noon : 12:11 CET
- Duration of the day : 11 hours and 45 minutes
Local time in Engerwitzdorf (Austria Time) with precision. Find online the exact time in Engerwitzdorf and the time difference between Engerwitzdorf and major cities in the world.
Week number
The week number for the 12 March 2025 is 11. This week is 10/03/2025 to 16/03/2025.
Day number
Today is the 71 th day of the year 2025.
Position Engerwitzdorf
- Latitude : 48.8566
- Longitude : 2.3522
Time difference Engerwitzdorf
Time difference from major cities in the world.
New York | -5 hours |
Los Angeles | -8 hours |
Mexico | -7 hours |
Sao Paulo | -4 hours |
London | -1 hours |
Sydney | +10 hours |
Tokyo | +8 hours |
Mumbai | +4 hours 30 minutes |
Berlin | +0 hours |
Frankfurt | +0 hours |
Madrid | +0 hours |
Rome | +0 hours |
Shanghai | +7 hours |
Paris | +0 hours |
Time difference between the USA and Austria
The time difference between USA and Austria is of +5 hours. When it is 8 a.m. in New York, it will be 13:00 12/03/2025 in AustriaWhat time is it in Engerwitzdorf?
If you missed it, the time in Engerwitzdorf is 05:26.
The 30 largest cities in Austria
ViennaGrazLinzSalzburgInnsbruckKlagenfurtWelsSankt PoltenDornbirnWiener NeustadtSteyrBregenzLeondingKlosterneuburgWolfsbergLeobenKrems an der DonauTraunAmstettenLustenauKapfenbergHalleinModlingKufsteinTraiskirchenSchwechatBraunau am InnStockerauSaalfeldenHohenemsAnsfeldenTelfsBruck an der MurSpittal an der DrauPerchtoldsdorfBludenzTernitzEisenstadtFeldkirchenBad IschlHall in TirolWorglSchwazMarchtrenkHardFeldbachGmundenKorneuburgNeunkirchenKnittelfeldGallneukirchenPregartenLinzAstenSchwertbergEnnsLeondingMarkt Sankt FlorianWilheringAnsfeldenGramastettenPergPaschingTraunSankt ValentinFreistadt