Time in USA

What time is it? exact time is :

Sunday 15 September 2024, week 37 (UTC -4)

The difference between GTM and UTC

Although both are used similarly, UTC is considered a more precise standard. Fastly UTC has become the international standard for time measuring, replacing the GMT format.

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

GMT time is based on the time in Greenwich, where the Royal Greenwich Observatory was located. It was the first standard used for defining time zones worldwide. Over time, GMT was replaced by UTC.

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

UTC is a more precise time scale. It is based on atomic clocks and is adjusted according to International Atomic Time (IAT) for synchronization with the rotation of the Earth.

World Time

New York 13:45:57 (15/09)
Los Angeles 16:45:57 (15/09)
Mexico 14:45:57 (15/09)
Sao Paulo 17:45:57 (15/09)
London 21:45:57 (15/09)
Sydney 06:45:57 (16/09)
Tokyo 05:45:57 (16/09)
Mumbai 02:15:57 (16/09)
Berlin 22:45:57 (15/09)
Frankfurt 22:45:57 (15/09)
Madrid 22:45:57 (15/09)
Rome 22:45:57 (15/09)
Shanghai 22:45:57 (15/09)
Paris 04:45:57 (16/09)

Time in big cities