World Time Clock

What time is it? exact time is :

Wednesday 12 February 2025, week 07 (UTC -5)

World Time

New York time 23:53 (11/02)
Los Angeles time 02:53 (12/02)
Mexico time 01:53 (12/02)
Sao Paulo time 04:53 (12/02)
London time 07:53 (12/02)
Sydney time 18:53 (12/02)
Tokyo time 16:53 (12/02)
Mumbai time 13:23 (12/02)
Berlin time 08:53 (12/02)
Frankfurt time 08:53 (12/02)
Madrid time 08:53 (12/02)
Rome time 08:53 (12/02)
Shanghai time 15:53 (12/02)
Paris time 08:53 (12/02)

Time by country

time in india - time in australia - time in japan - central time

The difference between GTM and UTC

Although both are used similarly, UTC is considered a more precise standard. Fastly UTC has become the international standard for time measuring, replacing the GMT format.

GMT time is based on the time in Greenwich, where the Royal Greenwich Observatory was located. It was the first standard used for defining time zones worldwide. Over time, GMT was replaced by UTC.

UTC is a more precise time scale. It is based on atomic clocks and is adjusted according to International Atomic Time (IAT) for synchronization with the rotation of the Earth.


There are two ways to display time. The first is the 24-hour format, where the day begins at 0:00 (midnight), 12:00 is noon, 13:00 is 1:00 in the afternoon, and so on. The second format divides the day into two periods: AM (Ante Meridiem) and PM (Post Meridiem ). For example, 1:00 of after noon is represented as 1 PM, and 6:00 of the morning is represented as 6 AM.

World Time Zones

The world map has been divided into 24 to create that many time zones. However, some time zones have offsets of 30 minutes (like India, UTC+5:30) or even 45 minutes (like Nepal, UTC+5:45). The time zones are always compared to UTC or GMT.

Time in big cities