Lapu-Lapu City time, Philippines
Current time in Lapu-Lapu City is :
Time zone of Lapu-Lapu City
Currently Asia/Manila, UTC +8.
Sunrise and sunset for Lapu-Lapu City
- Sunrise : 05:40 PST
- Sunset : 17:55 PST
- Noon : 11:48 PST
- Duration of the day : 12 hours and 15 minutes
Local time in Lapu-Lapu City (Philippines Time) with precision. Find online the exact time in Lapu-Lapu City and the time difference between Lapu-Lapu City and major cities in the world.
Week number
The week number for the 31 March 2025 is 14. This week is 31/03/2025 to 06/04/2025.
Day number
Today is the 90 th day of the year 2025.
Position Lapu-Lapu City
- Latitude : 48.8566
- Longitude : 2.3522
Time difference Lapu-Lapu City
Time difference from major cities in the world.
New York | -12 hours |
Los Angeles | -15 hours |
Mexico | -14 hours |
Sao Paulo | -11 hours |
London | -7 hours |
Sydney | +3 hours |
Tokyo | +1 hours |
Mumbai | -2 hours 30 minutes |
Berlin | -6 hours |
Frankfurt | -6 hours |
Madrid | -6 hours |
Rome | -6 hours |
Shanghai | +0 hours |
Paris | -6 hours |
Time difference between the USA and Philippines
The time difference between USA and Philippines is of +12 hours. When it is 8 a.m. in New York, it will be 20:00 31/03/2025 in PhilippinesWhat time is it in Lapu-Lapu City?
If you missed it, the time in Lapu-Lapu City is 23:45.
The 30 largest cities in Philippines
ManilaQuezon CityDavaoCaloocan CityZamboanga CityCebu CityAntipoloTaguig CityPasig CityCagayan de OroValenzuelaDasmarinasGeneral SantosCity of ParanaqueBacoorSan Jose del MonteMakati CityLas Pinas CityBacolodMuntinlupa CityCity of CalambaLapu-Lapu CityImusAngeles CityIloiloMarikina CityGeneral TriasRodriguezPasay CityMandaluyong CityBinanTaytayTarlac CityMalabonCaintaLipa CityButuanBaguio CityMandaue CityIliganCabuyaoSan FernandoBatangasCabanatuan CityCotabatoBinangonanTanzaPuerto PrincesaTagumSilangMandaue CityMandaueCebu CityCebuCordovaLapu-lapuConsolacionLiloanPoblacionTalisayMinglanillaNagaDanaoBalambanGetafeCogan